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What: Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) 2023 Meeting 

When: April 27 to May 1 

Where: Walter E. Washington Convention Center (801 Mt Vernon Pl NW, Washington, DC 20001)

Johns Hopkins Children’s Center researchers will present on numerous topics during the PAS 2023 meeting, including:


Monday, May 1, 1 to 2:30 p.m. Eastern time

Convention Center: 204 C

Oral Abstract

COVID-19 vaccination rates among youth remain low due in part to vaccine hesitancy. However, primary care is well positioned to encourage vaccination, 卫生教育工作者——向他人提供卫生保健服务的受过培训的专业人员——可以在确定合格患者和讨论疫苗的益处和风险方面发挥关键作用.

During the Immunizations/Delivery Oral Poster Symposia, Arik Marcell, M.D., M.P.H., 约翰霍普金斯大学医学院的青少年医学医生和儿科学副教授, and Annemarie McCartney Swamy, M.D., Ph.D., an adolescent medicine fellow, 将分享他们团队研究的见解,该研究探讨了疫苗犹豫,以及作为质量改进计划的一部分,与健康教育工作者的互动是否会提高5至25岁患者的首次COVID-19疫苗接种率. With their findings showing increased vaccine rates after health educator interactions, 研究人员认为,它们可以为提高二价增强疫苗和潜在的其他疫苗的吸收提供信息.

In March 2023, 青少年健康与医学学会(SAHM)授予马塞尔和斯瓦米2023年沃恩·里克特疫苗研究奖, recognizing this work as a top-rated submission focused on vaccination research.

View an interview with Swamy for more details.  


Monday, May 1, 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. Eastern time  

Convention Center: 151 B 

Oral Abstract  

According to clinical practice, 24小时动态血压监测(ABPM) -包括使用电子设备在清醒时每20分钟自动测量一次,在睡眠时每30分钟自动测量一次-建议所有血压持续升高的儿童诊断高血压. If blood pressure is elevated in the day, night or both, then a provider confirms hypertension. 

In this session, Tammy Brady, M.D., Ph.D., 约翰霍普金斯大学医学院儿科临床研究副主任,约翰霍普金斯儿童中心儿科高血压项目医学主任, 她的团队将分享他们的研究结果,表明睡眠不足与夜间血压升高有关. According to the research team, 这些发现表明,如果推荐十大正规网赌平台报告不能忍受他们的血压在夜间测量, 然后,提供者可能不希望在高血压诊断的决策中包括夜间动态血压测量. 

View an interview with co-author Catherine Perez, a senior at The Johns Hopkins University, for more details.  


Cyclohexanone Impairs Functional and Anatomical Brain Connectivity Following Perinatal Exposure 

Monday, May 1, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Eastern time 

Convention Center: Exhibit Hall 

Poster Session  

Cyclohexanone (CXO) is an industrial solvent used in the production of adhesives, paint, plastics and nylon. In health care, it is also prominent in IV tubing and cardiopulmonary bypass circuits. It is known to leach from this plastic tubing, 新生儿重症监护室围产儿尿液中发现高水平环己酮分解产物.

Lauren Jantzie, Ph.D., a pediatric neuroscientist at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, and associate professor of pediatrics, neurology and neurosurgery at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 她的研究小组测试了新生大鼠暴露于临床相关的环己酮水平,以确定它是否会导致功能性神经发育缺陷, including hyperactivity. 研究结果表明,在相当于人类新生儿接受静脉注射营养的水平下暴露7天,会产生持续到成年期的多动和运动异常. These deficits were similar to the results of a previous study, 发现30%的儿童在新生儿心脏手术和相关的医疗CXO暴露后出现了类似的行为问题.

View an interview with Jantzie and pediatric cardiologist Allen Everett, who is also a co-author of this research, for more details.  

In addition to these findings, Dr. Jantzie将在另一个关于脑成像的单独海报展示中分享这项研究的另一个方面. 研究小组发现,接触环己酮的大鼠不仅表现出异常行为, 但他们的大脑结构和大脑区域之间的功能联系也不正常. Jantzie和她的团队得出结论,大鼠接触CXO对白质完整性和大脑功能连接也有深远的影响,这种影响一直持续到青春期.

查看对Jantzie和儿科心脏病专家和合著者Allen Everett的采访了解更多细节.  


Sunday, April 30, 3:30 to 6 p.m. Eastern time 

Location Convention Center: Exhibit Hall 

Poster Session  

Socioeconomic status is associated with hypertension and heart disease in adults. However, in young people, 社会经济地位与心血管疾病危险因素如血压的关系, blood pressure variability and arterial stiffness is less clear. 

In this session, Tammy Brady, M.D., Ph.D., 约翰霍普金斯大学医学院儿科临床研究副主任,约翰霍普金斯儿童中心儿科高血压项目医学主任, 她的团队将分享他们的研究结果,即社会经济地位低与年轻人患心血管疾病的风险因素有关. However, 这些关联可能是由于社会经济地位较低的年轻人中肥胖的患病率增加. 布雷迪和她的研究小组建议,预防和治疗肥胖是减少心血管疾病的有效策略.

View an interview with co-author Sanjana Boyapalli, a research program coordinator for pediatric nephrology, for more details.  


查看儿童中心和约翰霍普金斯所有儿童医院研究人员的其他报告, please visit the PAS 2023 meeting website.  


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